
Unicorn Platform

Pricing Model

  • Free


  • Discord Community

AI Tool Description

Build a stunning website in no time with Unicorn Platform's AI-powered features, including drag-and-drop block editing, AI-generated content for pricing plans, reviews, features, and FAQs, and effortless CTA addition with AI assistance.

Unicorn Platform is a drag-and-drop website and blog builder designed for startups, mobile apps, and SaaS. The platform comes with pre-made integrations to collect emails and leads, SSL and CDN integrations for website protection, and Stripe Checkout integration to accept online payments.
The platform also allows users to create a blog, edit their landing page, and promote their website with blog posts - all from a single place.


  • Drag-and-drop block editing
  • Pre-made integrations
  • SSL and CDN integrations
  • Blog creation
  • Stripe Checkout integration
  • AI-generated pricing, reviews, features, and FAQs
  • Grammar correction with AI
  • AI-generated contact forms
  • CTA addition with AI assistance
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Last updated: July 24, 2023.

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